Problem with gencase with automatic execution


I'm trying to use python to launch automatically some DSPH simulation.

Manually everything works, but with python, Gencase return an error :


*** Exception (JStlFile::IsBinaryFile) at ..\Source\JStlFile.cpp:206

Text: Cannot open the file.

File: Inlet.stl

Finished execution (code=1).

Why is that ?



  • I always had this error message when I messed something up in the line where you import the STL. You probably wrote a wrong path or you have a typo somewhere

  • Hi,

    I don't think so since in one case I doucle click the ".bat" file and in the other I execute it with python (os.system(batAddress))

  • The night brought me counsel !

    No bug at all, just a conflict of active directories and relative path for some files.

    When manually executing I was in the right folder

    But with python I was in another so...

    Thanks for your input @Zwulch

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