About the model length or model dimension

edited February 2022 in DualSPHysics v5.0

I want to simulate a container with a cross section of 2cm by 2cm and I'm very confused about the length dimension, which seems to affect my results.Which of the following is correct?

Should the side length dimension of the section (i.e. two centimeters) be the distance between the two solid particles(Case A) or the distance between the two most side fluid particles(Case B)?Or is it the distance between the fluid particles on the far side plus Dp/2 respectively(Case C)?

A simple schematic diagram is as follows, which should be the case? A? B? or C?

What should I do if there are balls in my container? Is it to use the real radius directly or radius-Dp/2? Or radius+Dp/2?

@Alex Execuse me, Can you give me some help? Thank you very much!

https://forums.dual.sphysics.org/uploads/742/OZPGAM35T38D.png There was an error displaying this embed.


  • The initial particle spacing Dp, affects your results since it controls how many particles are generated in the domain.

    When you want to model the gap, then you have to make a choice between using DBC or mDBC. If you use DBC it is a bit harder to control the actual gap width, since you have to refine Dp until you get it. In that case I would aim for using Case A, since when you add more and more particles the unphysical gap due to DBC reduces.

    If you use mDBC, the normals would then point to the actual geometry. In this case it would be Case C you should aim to reconstruct.

    Kind regards

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