How to speed up calculations

Hellow, I want to know how to speed up calculations of my PC and workstation?

The version of workstation is NVIDIA Quadro p1000 and my PC is NVIDIA GeForce GTX1650Ti,but the two computers are about the same speed of calculation.

Calculating out of memory also bothers me because the Dedicated memory of GPU is 4GB. I noticed that the same computing conditions by CPU require less memory but slower speeds than the GPU, Whether more CPU cores are added to the calculation can be faster than GPU computing?

How can I set the number of cores to speed up calculations by CPU, As mentioned in your previous reply,"That is only available in the command line, not in the XML",I'm sorry that I don't find where the command line is.

Thanks a lot for any help.


  • Check DualSPHysics5.0_Help.out (DualSPHysics_v5.0\doc\help)

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