Points List Settings


I am quite new to DualSphysics. I wanna know about the pointslist because i am confused and i don't understand about it

In Points.txt you can define the following parameters:


BeginX BeginY BeginZ

StepX StepY StepZ

CountX CountY CountZ  

I confused about the part step and count. what is it and what value that i must to input in StepX, StepY, and StepZ. And what value that i must to input in CountX, CountY, and CountZ?

I hope you want to expain it to me with a simple language, please. Because i really new in here



  • Dear user


    BeginX BeginY BeginZ    %this will indicate the initial position

    StepX StepY StepZ       %this indicate the separation between numerical gauges

    CountX CountY CountZ    %this indicates the number of numerical gauges  

    For example you want to compute free-surface elevation at x=10, y=0 where still water level is initially at z=0

    You are simulating a wave height of 0.1m and you are using dp=0.01m... therefore you can define points to detect free surface from -0.1 to 0.1 (0.2 amplitude)

    Let us imagine the example:


    10 0 -0.1    

    0 0 0.001       

    1 1 200  


    BeginX=10, StepX=0 , CountX=1.... so FinalX=10   

    BeginY=0, StepY=0 , CountY=1.... so FinalY=0  

    BeginZ=-0.1, StepZ=0.001 , CountZ=200.... so FinalZ=+0.1     

    in this way we are creating 200 points at different Z positions at x=10 and y=0 

    which can be used to look for surface elevation position

    Basically you want to create a list of points...

    X Y Z

    10 0 -0.1

    10 0 -0.099

    10 0 -0.098

    10 0 -0.097

    10 0 -0.096


    10 0 -0.003

    10 0 -0.002

    10 0 -0.001

    10 0 0.000

    10 0 0.001

    10 0 0.002

    10 0 0.003


    10 0 0.096

    10 0 0.097

    10 0 0.098

    10 0 0.099

    10 0 0.1

     SO THAT 200 points with always the same X and Y (X=10, Y=0)

    and with different Z values from -0.1 to 0.1: 200 points separated 0.001 (StepZ)

    In this way FinalZ=BeginZ+StepZ*CountZ


  • edited May 2020

  • Okay. Thank you very much for your explanation

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