Imposing discharge with inlet boundary conditions


I'm trying to impose a discharge at the inlet of a geometry using inlet/outlet boundary conditions. It works fine but I'm not sure that i really have the expected discharge at the entrance, the steady-state water level in my geometry being lower than the one I've expected. My questions are then the following:

If I create a square inlet buffer of 1m X 1m size and I impose a velocity of 1 m/s, can I rightly consider that I have 1mcube/s of water entering in my geometry? Which means 1000kg/s of water.

If now I do the same but with a higher or smaller "dp", so I will have less or more particles entering my geometry, is it still right to consider that 1mcube/s of water is entering? and is it still 1000kg /s ?

Thanks a lot for future answers and regards,



  • edited June 2019
    I have the same question because I suspect that my discharge is incorrect.
    My rectangular inlet is 6.7m*0.04m and the velocity is 0.51m/s. The discharge should be 6.7*0,04*0.51=0.13668m^3/s
    My timestep is 0.2sec and each timestep 5040 new particles are being created. My dp is 0.02m so I would assume that that means 5040*0.02^3/0.2=0,2016 m^3/s are actually being sent into the simulation?!

    Does anyone know or experience something similar?
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