Setting mass of boundary when using computeforces

edited February 2017 in DualSPHysics_v4.0
How do you set the density of the boundary when computing the forces on the object?

For example looking at CaseDambreak:
we have
`%computeforces% -dirin %dirout% -filexml %dirout%/%name%.xml -onlymk:21 -savecsv %dirout%/WallForce `

Where is the density of the wall defined?


  • The density of the boundary, the mass of the boundary is computed in GenCase:
    - all boundary particles start with reference density (value defined in the XML)
    - mass is computed as density*dp*dp*dp and the value is shown in the output XML file

    ComputeForces only use that information that was computed before as initial state for the simulation.

  • Thanks, in the XML guide it states
    "3) We do the summation of ACCELERATION values of those boundary particles"
    just to be clear this involves the density of the fluid particles?
  • density? fluid partices?

    when you compute FORCE exerted onto, for example, a wall:
    - solve momentum equation dv/dt(acceleration) for the BOUNDARY particles of that wall interacting with surrounding particles (with fluid of course)
    - then we do a summation of those acceleration values multiplied by the mass of each boundary particle

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