Overflow in reading data

edited January 2017 in DualSPHysics_v4.0
I was running a simulation that converted 259 .bi4 files to .vtk files. At the 81st .bi4 file the following error arose:

"PartVtk4 v4.0.019 (15-04-2016)
Threads for parallel execution:4

*** Exception (JBinaryData::OutData)
Text: Overflow in reading data.

Execution aborted..."

Even when I tried re-starting the simulation at the 81st, or even the 85th .bi4 file the same error message appeared. I checked and there is plenty of room on my computer to store this data so it is not the fault of the computer...

Let me know if you guys can help!


  • We will need your case to check the problem...
    Can you please send to dualsphysics@gmail.com all the information to execute and post-processed your case?

  • Sorry for the delayed response. There was an error in transferring over files from the HPC to my computer and that was the root of the error. I no longer need assistance with this matter, thank you anyway!
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