Question about the test '8_CASEFLOATING'

edited January 2017 in DualSPHysics_v4.0

I meet two questions when recalculate the case '8_CASEFLOATING'.
1、Though the output options '-vars:+all' is active, only the velocity filed was NOT include in the output files (*.vtk ), why?

2、The displacement of cylinder in the reference agrees very well with the data 'EXP_FloatingSphereVal2D_Displacement_Fekken2004', but the displacement of my recalculation with the default definitions in xml file is much larger. So, is there any parameter special to be modified?

Refference: Canelas RB, Domínguez JM, Crespo AJC, Gómez-Gesteira M, Ferreira RML. 2015. A Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics discretization for the modelling of free surface flows and rigid body dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 78: 581-593.

Thank you!



  • Please note first that Time(-) and Velocity(-) are non-dimensional values defined as
    T=t / sqrt (g/r)
    V=v / sqrt (g*r)
    being r the radius

    Does this fix the problem or not?

  • Thank you, Alex,

    The problem NO.2 about the comparison is fixed according to your kind opinion. Here, r means the radius of cylinder.
    For the first question, how can I observe the velocity field? When i select 'vel' option in paraview, the velocity field is NAN.

    Best regards,
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