About open Periodictiy boundaries.

edited September 2016 in Old versions
Dear Alex and other developers:
I found out that in old version(3.1) the periodicity boundries enables simulation with feedback of particles that leave the end of the domain and are then re-injected creating a continuous flow such as shown in the new testcase.
However, In new versions(4.0) it is achieved by allowing particles that are near an open lateral boundary to interact with the fluid particles near the complimentary open lateral boundary on the other side of the domain.
Then , can you tell me the difference between both methods? for example in 3D wavemaker case, in old version, if a particle is out of boundary in Y direction, it will be inserted in other side?
in old version, does not it occur?
Thanks a lot for your help!


  • edited September 2016
    The periodicity implementation and its behaviour in v3.1 and v4.0 is exactly the same.
    Sorry but not sure what you mean...

  • Thank you, Alex ! Why in the 3D wavemaker case, I can't observe the particle that leave an open lateral boundary and are then re-injected on the other side of the domain? However for the CASEPERIODICITY, the phenomenon about re-injected-particles is obvious.
  • edited September 2016
    Periodicity means that the neighbouring particles of the kernel support are complete with particles from the other edge in the direction of periodicity.

    In CASEPERIODICITY the particles are moving in +X direction and there is periodicity in X axis.

    In CASEWAVEMAKER the particles are moving in X direction but there is periodicity in Y axis.

    I think the reason is also obvious...
  • Thank you! Alex, I also think so!
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