Why the fluid file can not be created?
Dear developer:
In Pump case, I want to see the fluid points created by the code below, but I only can find the boundary vtk file(CasePump__Actual.vtk, CasePump__Dp.vtk ). can you tell me how to adjust this XML code ? Thanks for you!
real | bound | fluid | dp
In Pump case, I want to see the fluid points created by the code below, but I only can find the boundary vtk file(CasePump__Actual.vtk, CasePump__Dp.vtk ). can you tell me how to adjust this XML code ? Thanks for you!
real | bound | fluid | dp
real | bound | fluid | dp
! void
setmkbound mk="0"
drawfilevtk file="pump_fixed.vtk"
setmkbound mk="2"
drawfilevtk file="pump_moving.vtk"
setmkfluid mk="1"
fillbox x="0.14" y="-0.1" z="-0.39" mkbound="0"
modefill void modefill
point x="-0.6" y="-0.39" z="-1.1"
size x="0.9" y="0.68" z="0.82"
shapeout file=""