Use last time step solution as intial state?

edited August 2016 in DualSPHysics_v4.0
Hello everyone,

I am using DualSPHysics to model wave energy converters. I am looking into the possibility of coupling the code to a faster wave propagation code to create a nested model. For this reason it would be necessary that I can start a simulation where the particles are already arranged according to a previous simulation.

I have tried this by first running GenCase and then replacing the initial case.bi4 file with a .bi4 file containing the last time step of a previous simulation. However this method does not work and I am wondering if there is another way to do this, or if I have to alter the source code :)

Thank you for your answer! Kind regards



  • Hi,

    Just run dualsphysics*.exe (the executable).

    that will output instructions on the options you have (also to restart a simulation)

  • Aha thank you I see that I can start the simulation from a specific PART file with the -partbegin option!

    Kind regards!
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