Ask for some papers on wave overtopping implemented with DualSPHysics?

edited August 2016 in DualSPHysics_v4.0
Hello everyone
Is there anyone have some papers on wave overtopping implemented with DualSPHysics? Since I have conducted some tests on wave overtopping, incorrected and underestimated results were found and big gap between water paticle and sloping beach existed. Can someone help me?

Best regards.


  • Thank you Dr G.Fourtakas. I admire your work in DualSPHysics.Can you account for the reason why incorrected and underestimated wave overtopping rate happened.Thank you very much.
  • In the reference list there is no references about overtopping computations with DualSPHysics.

    We know that Dr Philippe St-Germain is going to present soon some results about overtopping comparing SPH results with experiments with good agreement.

    SPH in general, and DualSPHysics in particular, should applied to study overtopping with complex geometries and where the water layer volume is significant. If you are simulating and simple smooth geo where thing water layer overtops the structure then you have problems of precision and boundary layer description using DualSPHysics. For those cases you should use models such as SWASH or simular...

  • Thank you for your reply.I really don't understand why DualSPHysics should applied to study overtopping with complex geometry instead of simple smooth slope.Is it applied to simple smooth slope where the water layer volume is significant?
  • edited August 2016
    - Is it applied to simple smooth slope where the water layer volume is significant?
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