Rectilinear and sinusoidal rotational movement simultaneously on an external body
Since, I haven't received any answer yet, I would like to repeat my question.
I have create a case in which a piston generates waves in a beach. I have added in this beach an airfoil. I want the airfoil to execute rectilinear movement and at the same time a sinusoidal rotational movement around a reference point.
As a result from my xml, I can see in Paraview only the rectilinear movement, the rotational it is not seemed at all. Is this happening because the reference point moves with the rectilinear motion? If yes, how I can achieve the two movements simultaneously.
Best Regards,
I have create a case in which a piston generates waves in a beach. I have added in this beach an airfoil. I want the airfoil to execute rectilinear movement and at the same time a sinusoidal rotational movement around a reference point.
As a result from my xml, I can see in Paraview only the rectilinear movement, the rotational it is not seemed at all. Is this happening because the reference point moves with the rectilinear motion? If yes, how I can achieve the two movements simultaneously.
Best Regards,
I have studied the corresponding examples in the MOTION folder. Is it possible for you to have a look in my xml? Have I any mistakes?
Thank you.
Best Regards,
This is my xml:
lattice bound="1" fluid="1" />
gravity x="0" y="0" z="-9.81" comment="Gravitational acceleration" units_comment="m/s^2" />
rhop0 value="1000" comment="Reference density of the fluid" units_comment="kg/m^3" />
hswl value="0.8" auto="false" comment="Maximum still water level to calculate speedofsound using coefsound" units_comment="metres (m)" />
gamma value="7" comment="Polytropic constant for water used in the state equation" />
speedsystem value="0" auto="true" comment="Maximum system speed (by default the dam-break propagation is used)" />
coefsound value="30" comment="Coefficient to multiply speedsystem" />
speedsound value="0" auto="true" comment="Speed of sound to use in the simulation (by default speedofsound=coefsound*speedsystem)" />
coefh value="1.2" comment="Coefficient to calculate the smoothing length (h=coefh*sqrt(3*dp^2) in 3D)" />
cflnumber value="0.2" comment="Coefficient to multiply dt" />
mkconfig boundcount="230" fluidcount="10">
mkorientfluid mk="0" orient="Xyz" />
definition dp="0.05" units_comment="metres (m)">
pointmin x="-0.05" y="0" z="-0.05" />
pointmax x="11.05" y="0" z="3.05" />
setshapemode>dp | real | bound /setshapemode>
setdrawmode mode="full" />
setmkbound mk="4" />
boxfill>solid /boxfill>
point x="0" y="0" z="0" />
size x="0.05" y="10" z="3.32" />
setmkbound mk="0" />
drawbeach mask="1|2|6">
point x="-0.055" y="10" z="0" />
point x="5.525" y="10" z="0" />
point x="11" y="10" z="2.45" />
point x="11" y="10" z="3" />
shapeout file="Boundary"/>
setdrawmode mode="solid" />
setmkbound mk="5" />
drawfilestl file= "foil_5.stl"/>
setmkfluid mk="0" />
fillbox x="3" y="0" z="0.05">
modefill>void /modefill>
point x="0" y="-5" z="0" />
size x="10" y="10" z="1.55" />
shapeout file="" reset="true" />
velocity mkfluid="0" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
objreal ref="5">
begin mov="1" start="0.00" finish="5" />
mvrect id="1" duration="5">
vel x="-0.5" y="0" z="0" />
mvrotsinu id="2" duration="5" next="2" anglesunits="degrees">
freq v="0.1" units_comment="1/s" />
ampl v="20" units_comment="degrees" />
ref x="6.2" y="0" z="1"/>
axisp1 x="6.29" y="0" z="1" />
axisp2 x="6.29" y="0.5" z="1" />
objreal ref="4"> %% No movement is pre-assigned to the piston
begin mov="1" start="0" />
mvnull id="1" />
parameter key="PosDouble" value="2" comment="Precision in particle interaction 0:Simple, 1:Double, 2:Uses and saves double (default=0)" />
parameter key="StepAlgorithm" value="2" comment="Step Algorithm 1:Verlet, 2:Symplectic (default=1)" />
parameter key="VerletSteps" value="40" comment="Verlet only: Number of steps to apply Euler timestepping (default=40)" />
parameter key="Kernel" value="1" comment="Interaction Kernel 1:Cubic Spline, 2:Wendland (default=2)" />
parameter key="ViscoTreatment" value="1" comment="Viscosity formulation 1:Artificial, 2:Laminar+SPS (default=1)" />
parameter key="Visco" value="0.01" comment="Viscosity value" units_comment="m^2/s" />
parameter key="ViscoBoundFactor" value="1" comment="Multiply viscosity value with boundary (default=1)" />
parameter key="DeltaSPH" value="0.1" comment="DeltaSPH value, 0.1 is the typical value, with 0 disabled (default=0)" />
parameter key="#Shifting" value="0" comment="Shifting mode 0:None, 1:Ignore bound, 2:Ignore fixed, 3:Full (default=0)" />
parameter key="#ShiftCoef" value="-2" comment="Coefficient for shifting computation (default=-2)" />
parameter key="#ShiftTFS" value="1.5" comment="Threshold to detect free surface. Typically 1.5 for 2D and 2.75 for 3D (default=0)" />
parameter key="RigidAlgorithm" value="1" comment="Rigid Algorithm 1:SPH, 2:DEM (default=1)" />
parameter key="FtPause" value="1.0" comment="Time to freeze the floatings at simulation start (warmup) (default=0)" units_comment="seconds" />
parameter key="CoefDtMin" value="0.05" comment="Coefficient to calculate minimum time step dtmin=coefdtmin*h/speedsound (default=0.05)" />
parameter key="#DtIni" value="0.0001" comment="Initial time step (default=h/speedsound)" units_comment="seconds" />
parameter key="#DtMin" value="0.00001" comment="Minimum time step (default=coefdtmin*h/speedsound)" units_comment="seconds" />
parameter key="#DtFixed" value="DtFixed.dat" comment="Dt values are loaded from file (default=disabled)" />
parameter key="DtAllParticles" value="0" comment="Velocity of particles used to calculate DT. 1:All, 0:Only fluid/floating (default=0)" />
parameter key="TimeMax" value="20" comment="Time of simulation" units_comment="seconds" />
parameter key="TimeOut" value="0.02" comment="Time out data" units_comment="seconds" />
parameter key="IncZ" value="0.2" comment="Increase of Z+" units_comment="decimal" />
parameter key="PartsOutMax" value="1" comment="%/100 of fluid particles allowed to be excluded from domain (default=1)" units_comment="decimal" />
parameter key="RhopOutMin" value="700" comment="Minimum rhop valid (default=700)" units_comment="kg/m^3" />
parameter key="RhopOutMax" value="1300" comment="Maximum rhop valid (default=1300)" units_comment="kg/m^3" />
parameter key="XPeriodicIncZ" value="0" comment="Periodic BC in X-Y" units_comment="metres (m)" />
particles np="1451" nb="1451" nbf="1001" mkboundfirst="11" mkfluidfirst="1">
fixed mkbound="0" mk="11" begin="0" count="1001" />
moving mkbound="4" mk="15" begin="1001" count="150" refmotion="0" />
moving mkbound="5" mk="16" begin="1151" count="300" refmotion="1" />