Post processing
I tried to understand post processing method in guide but still i unable to understand to run post processing code.
Are there any other explanation for post processing procedure?
Do i need to run applications in excess folder (eg: PartVTK)?
Do i Need to save input files in separate folder(eg: Part_xxx.bi4)?
Where out put file save ?
Are there any other explanation for post processing procedure?
Do i need to run applications in excess folder (eg: PartVTK)?
Do i Need to save input files in separate folder(eg: Part_xxx.bi4)?
Where out put file save ?
On the other hand the user guide also indicates how to run the cases.....
In addition, the folder HELP explains the different parameters that you can use.
The rest of users do not have problems to run the post-processing tools, so I am afraid that if no more people find problems we think that information is enough