Insert an external geometry (stl file) as a floating object

edited May 2016 in DualSPHysics_v4.0

Hi, I want to mimic the example of Casefloating. But, I want to put an airfoil as a floating object and not a box. I have the geometry of the airfoil in a stl file. When I run the xml as a result appears:
*** Exception
Text: A boundary particle was excluded
What may be wrong ?
Best Regards,

This is my xml

dp | real | bound


bottom | right | front | back




  • sorry this is my xml

    definition dp="0.1" units_comment="metres (m)">
    pointmin x="-1" y="-1" z="-1" />
    pointmax x="17" y="7" z="6" />
    setshapemode>dp | real | bound /setshapemode>
    setdrawmode mode="full" />
    setmkbound mk="10" />
    drawbox cmt="Piston">
    boxfill>solid /boxfill>
    point x="0.7" y="0" z="0" />
    size x="0.3" y="6" z="5" />
    setdrawmode mode="face" />
    setmkbound mk="20" />
    boxfill>bottom | right | front | back /boxfill>
    point x="0" y="0" z="0" />
    size x="16" y="6" z="6" />
    setdrawmode mode="full" />
    setmkbound mk="50" />
    drawfilestl file="foil.stl"/>
    fillbox x="0.43" y="0" z="0.35">
    modefill>void /modefill>
    point x="-10" y="-10" z="0.36" />
    size x="2" y="2" z="0.72" />
    setmkfluid mk="0" />
    fillbox x="5" y="2" z="2">
    modefill>void /modefill>
    point x="0" y="0" z="0" />
    size x="16" y="6" z="4" />
    shapeout file="" reset="true" />
    objreal ref="10">
    begin mov="1" start="0" finish="100" />
    mvrectsinu id="1" duration="50" >
    freq x="0.3" y="0" z="0" />
    ampl x="0.5" y="0" z="0" />
    floating mkbound="50">
    massbody value="10000" />
  • Please read first the following FAQ:

    As shown in the validation of floatings at
    correct behaviour is achieved when using objects full of particles.

    The guide also explains this in detail.

  • I have tried to fill the airfoil with boundary particles using the option fillbox but it didn't work. Must I first draw the airfoil by using the option drawfilestl and then use fillbox to fill it with particles? What is the criterion to choose the appropriate seed point concerning option fillbox?

    Best Regards,
  • "Must I first draw the airfoil by using the option drawfilestl and then use fillbox to fill it with particles? " OBVIOUSLY YES

    Seed point should be an internal position inside the object of course

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