Floating body vtk. file can't float
hi all,
I'm trying to simulate floating case where in this case I using vtk. file to make tube tank with wave waker on edge tank and in middle of tank there is floating box hit by wave,my question is why box can't float and seem static can you tell me what is wrong in this simulation
(case app="GenCase v0.88 (26-01-2011)" date="28-04-2011 11:30:43")
(lattice bound="1" fluid="2" /)
(gravity x="0" y="0" z="-9.81" /)
(cflnumber value="0.3" /)
(hswl value="0" auto="true" /)
(coefsound value="20" /)
(coefficient value="1.0" /)
(gamma value="7" /)
(rhop0 value="1000" /)
(eps value="0.5" /)
(mkconfig boundcount="230" fluidcount="10")
(mkorientfluid mk="2" orient="ZYx" /)
(definition dp="0.025")
(pointmin x="0" y="0" z="-0.2" /)
(pointmax x="7" y="5" z="3" /)
(setshapemode)real | dp | bound)
(begin mov="1" start="0"/)
(mvrectsinu id="1" duration="5" next="2")
(freq x="0" y="0" z="-0.3" /)
(ampl x="0" y="0" z="-0.1" /)
(mvrectsinu id="2" duration="10" next="3")
(freq x="0" y="0" z="-0.3" /)
(ampl x="0" y="0" z="-0.1" /)
(mvrectsinu id="3" duration="10" next="2")
(freq x="0" y="0" z="-0.3" /)
(ampl x="0" y="0" z="-0.1" /)
I'm trying to simulate floating case where in this case I using vtk. file to make tube tank with wave waker on edge tank and in middle of tank there is floating box hit by wave,my question is why box can't float and seem static can you tell me what is wrong in this simulation
(case app="GenCase v0.88 (26-01-2011)" date="28-04-2011 11:30:43")
(lattice bound="1" fluid="2" /)
(gravity x="0" y="0" z="-9.81" /)
(cflnumber value="0.3" /)
(hswl value="0" auto="true" /)
(coefsound value="20" /)
(coefficient value="1.0" /)
(gamma value="7" /)
(rhop0 value="1000" /)
(eps value="0.5" /)
(mkconfig boundcount="230" fluidcount="10")
(mkorientfluid mk="2" orient="ZYx" /)
(definition dp="0.025")
(pointmin x="0" y="0" z="-0.2" /)
(pointmax x="7" y="5" z="3" /)
(setshapemode)real | dp | bound)
(begin mov="1" start="0"/)
(mvrectsinu id="1" duration="5" next="2")
(freq x="0" y="0" z="-0.3" /)
(ampl x="0" y="0" z="-0.1" /)
(mvrectsinu id="2" duration="10" next="3")
(freq x="0" y="0" z="-0.3" /)
(ampl x="0" y="0" z="-0.1" /)
(mvrectsinu id="3" duration="10" next="2")
(freq x="0" y="0" z="-0.3" /)
(ampl x="0" y="0" z="-0.1" /)
%boundaryvtk% -loadvtk %dirout%/%name%__Actual.vtk -filexml %dirout%/%name%.xml -motiondata %dirout% -savevtkdata %dirout%/MotionPiston -onlymk:12 -savevtkdata %dirout%/tangki.vtk -onlymk:11
%boundaryvtk% -loadvtk %dirout%/%name%__Actual.vtk -filexml %dirout%/%name%.xml -motiondata %dirout% -savevtkdata %dirout%/MotionFloating -onlymk:14 -savevtkdata %dirout%/box.vtk-onlymk:14
You have:
( floating)
( floating mkbound="3" relativeweight="1.3" / )
( /floating )
but the correct syntax is with "s":
( floatings )
( floating mkbound="3" relativeweight="1.3" / )
( /floatings> )
Your box was not moving since particles that belongs to mk=3 were not finally defined as floating, but fixed.
You should know that you can check this in the output XML after GenCase execution:
Best Regards,