Motion in source code

edited January 2016 in Old versions
Hi, just a simple question. What is the different between mvsimple and mvmatrix in the source code?
Are mvrectsinu, mvrotsinu and mvcirsinu considered as mvsimple ?


  • edited February 2016
    Dear user,

    "mvsimple" is a value of type tdouble3 that we use for movements of translation where this value is added (summation) to each moving particles (mvrect, mvrectace, mvcir, mvcirace, mvrectsinu, mvcirsinu, mvfile...)

    "mvmatrix" is a 4x4 matrix with which each moving point is multiplied for rotational movements (mvrot, mvrotac, mvrotsinu, mvrotfile...)
  • thank you so much for your explanation.
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