Problem when using MeasureTool
Hi everyone,
I have studied the user guide and the Gencase XML Guide. I managed to generate a case and now I would like to use the measure tool to do some numerical measurements, for example measuring the mass/number of particles at certain area.
In Section 10.2 in the user guide, it says that:
MeasureTool -points points.txt -vars:press -savecsv Press[options]
What does this mean? I tried to run the MeasureTool.exe. It opened out and closeed down really quickly, which I do no know how to deal with it. And I noticed that there are, for example, PointHeight.txt and PointVelocity.txt files in some case folders. Are these the key files that I have to edit? Where can I enter the "MeasureTool -points points.txt -vars:press -savecsv Press[options]" thingy so that I can use the Measure Tool properly?
May I know where I can get more information about how I can alter the code to do the measurement that I require? I have gone through the user guide for many times and I have searched through the forum but I cannot find my answer. Can you guys please help?
I would be grateful for any help you are able to provide.
I have studied the user guide and the Gencase XML Guide. I managed to generate a case and now I would like to use the measure tool to do some numerical measurements, for example measuring the mass/number of particles at certain area.
In Section 10.2 in the user guide, it says that:
MeasureTool -points points.txt -vars:press -savecsv Press[options]
What does this mean? I tried to run the MeasureTool.exe. It opened out and closeed down really quickly, which I do no know how to deal with it. And I noticed that there are, for example, PointHeight.txt and PointVelocity.txt files in some case folders. Are these the key files that I have to edit? Where can I enter the "MeasureTool -points points.txt -vars:press -savecsv Press[options]" thingy so that I can use the Measure Tool properly?
May I know where I can get more information about how I can alter the code to do the measurement that I require? I have gone through the user guide for many times and I have searched through the forum but I cannot find my answer. Can you guys please help?
I would be grateful for any help you are able to provide.
Do you know how to edit the bat files and run them?
It is me again
Yes, I now managed to get the measure tool working. Actually I am studying the overtopping of water at a seawall in different wave conditions. I have created the model with the use of the guides and defined different wave conditions. I am now trying to use the measure tool to measure the water level at one point and numbers of particles that overtop the seawall. Here are some questions that I am not sure about and I hope you can help:
1 : For the measurement of water height, I have used the the measure tool to compute the wave elevation at one wave gauge located at x=12, y=0.3 by changing the bat file and altering the txt file,
BeginX BeginY BeginZ
StepX StepY StepZ
CountX CountY CountZ
12 0.3 0
0.0 0.0 0.01
1 1 200
Does StepZ*CountZ means the total Z length (wave gauge length) that is used in the measure tool? In this case, water level ranges z=0 to z =2 is measured at x=12, y=0.3?
2 : For the measurement of particles that overtop the seawall, x=12.23 y=0.3,
%measuretool% -dirin %dirout% -points ID.txt -onlytype:-all,+fluid -vars:-all,+id -savecsv %dirout%/ID
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto fail
12.23 0.3 0
0.0 0.0 0.01
1 1 200
Does this mean that the measure tool calculate the particles that go over the line where x=12.23, y=0.3 z=0 to 2?
3: I noticed that the results for the wave gauge in SPH do not quite match with my experimental results in a wave flume. The wave decays along the water channel in SPH, I have read that this one of the limitation of SPH, please correct me if I am wrong. Can you please suggest me a way to overcome this problem?
1) for proper propagation please use visco=0.01 and coefficient=1.2
2) you have done it well to compute wave gauges at x=12,y=0.3. well done
3) for overtopping, your way is an option but it is difficult to compute volumes in that way... we are planning to release the new version with some tool to compute volumes
if you still have problems with the validation of experimental data for eta, please email us and we will send to you new help
Thanks for the reply. I will try to use the settings that you suggested
Just some quick questions for the measurement of the overtopping particle.
1.Do the codes ,which I mentioned in Section 2 above, calculate/record the particles that pass through the line located at x=12.23, y=0.3 and z=0 to 2? Does 0.01*200=2 means it has a length of 2?
Actually all I need is the total number of the particles that go over the wall, so that I can work out the ratio between particles generated and the particles that go over, Therefore:
2. Am I doing the right thing for using the "-vars:-all,+id" and are the points defined correctly in the txt file? I am still a bit confused about how to define StepZ and CountZ even I read you replies in other's posts earlier.
So that you are only calculating interpolated values of Id at those positions, that is it. That is why you obtain decimal numbers.