Multiphase Simulation of Air/Water

edited November 2015 in Old versions
Hi all,

at Users Workshop Dr. Athanasios Mokos showed a multiphase simulation of Water and Air (at least I think so ;) ).
As I remember you said you treated the air as liquid.

Can you tell me the parameters you used? Everything I try leads to num. instabilities (water gets unstable).

Thank you in advance!
Best regards.



  • A different formulation is implemented to deal with fluids with such different densities:

    Mokos A, Rogers BD, Stansby PK, Domínguez JM. 2015. Multi-phase SPH modelling of violent hydrodynamics on GPUs. Computer Physics Communications, 196: 304-316. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2015.06.020.
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