PartVTK with laminar+SPS viscosity formulation

edited October 2015 in Old versions
I have noticed that the partvtk does not function when a computation is performed with the viscosity treatment set to "2". It gives the following:

PartVTK v1.41 (17-12-2013)
Threads for parallel execution: 4
LoadXML> CaseSloshing_out/CaseSloshing.xml
LoadData> CaseSloshing_out/PartOut.bi2
LoadData> CaseSloshing_out/Part0000.bi2
LoadData> 2D data files...
JForces> Kernel:Wendland Viscosity:???(0.001) Gravity:(0,0,-9.81)

*** Exception (JForces::Calculate)
Text: Viscosity treatment is not valid.

Changing the value of the viscosity treatment to "1" allows it the to then run without problem. Is this a bug in PartVTK?


  • No, this means that PartVTK to compute, for example, acceleration, only solves the momentum equation using artificial viscosity.
    We are planning to include the two options in next release of PartVTK

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