Double Precision and Prescribed Force
as you said, next release will include double precision. I was a little bit confused so sorry for the question. It sounded so much general... Do you mean it will do calculation in double precision, even on standard-GPU´s? I´m just asking, because I will buy a GPU soon and do not know if I buy a Tesla or Titan. Maybe I misunderstood you and you meant CPU and "double precision GPU". Otherwise single precision.
Second question is on applying forces to a movable boundary. I want to move a plate due to a prescribed force. In CASEFORCE it is shown, that acceleration can be applied to fluid particles. Is it possible to apply it to boundary particles as well?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
EDIT: One additional Question: Can the actual timestep be plotted?
as you said, next release will include double precision. I was a little bit confused so sorry for the question. It sounded so much general... Do you mean it will do calculation in double precision, even on standard-GPU´s? I´m just asking, because I will buy a GPU soon and do not know if I buy a Tesla or Titan. Maybe I misunderstood you and you meant CPU and "double precision GPU". Otherwise single precision.
Second question is on applying forces to a movable boundary. I want to move a plate due to a prescribed force. In CASEFORCE it is shown, that acceleration can be applied to fluid particles. Is it possible to apply it to boundary particles as well?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
EDIT: One additional Question: Can the actual timestep be plotted?
1) Next release will include double precision for some variables and computations for both implementations CPU and GPU.
2) If you are goint to impose a prescribed motion, just use a text file where you are reading time vs position. There are some examples of motion reading a file.
3) Sorry next version will include an option to plot DT. Now you will have to code it...
Do you mean, it doesn´t matter if I have a single precision GPU? I can do double precision anyway? Thats what I meant, because it doensn´t make sense to me. (But this doesn´t mean you did it and I just don´t understand it
To the second question: The thing is, that I don´t want to apply a prescribed motion. I want to define the force. For example pressing a boundary-plate with 1000N on a fluid.
Is this possible?
Thank you again.
Best regards
You can apply any force you like (constant or not) by the same way we apply gravity to the particles, but.. you need to go into the code.. (or force for that matter), however we do not provide the functionality through the xml, maybe the acceleration file?
anyway, it is a good exercise for the soul.. have a look at the code, the modification is very simple,
good luck