DP and density
Hi, I have a question concerning the density of a floating object. How does the relative weight of the floating object compare to the number of particles in the simulation. I ask because I ran the CASEFLOATING example with the block a block of relative weight 1.2 and got two different solutions for dp=.15 and dp=.3. When the dp=.15 the block sank more than in the dp=.3 simulation. Are there other parameters that need to be changed along with dp to get physically accurate results (artificial viscosity, speed of sound, density correction, etc.)?
Different resolution can lead to different behaviour.
Note that, by default, the mass of the object M is computed using density or relativeweight and then the mass of each particle of the object is computed as m=M/Nfloat so depending on the resolution you can get different accuracy. To avoid that you should use high resolution and also impose the value M.
massbody value="1300"
*floating mkbound="51" rhopbody="700" *
*massbody value="1300" /*
You can also send to us your XML file to check it.
I notice that we can also insert moment of inertia of the floating body.
For a 3d long floating object, is that moment of inertia actually define/calculating the transverse BM and longitudinal BM for its stability?
Thank you for your help