boundary particle going outside

edited August 2015 in Old versions
- domain_particles[:xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax]

- domain_particles_prc:xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax

- domain_fixed:xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax

how to use these commands..please give one example how to write these commands


  • Hi,

    I also would like to know, how to apply these parameters.

    I tried something like this:

    >parameter comment="..." key="domain_particles:" value="-0.26,-0.26,-0.005,0.26,0.26,0.46"/>


    >parameter comment="..." key="domain_particles:-0.26,-0.26,-0.005,0.26,0.26,0.46" "value=""/>


    >parameter comment="..." key="" value="domain_particles:-0.26,-0.26,-0.005,0.26,0.26,0.46"/>

    But nothing seems to work... It´s maybe stupid, but I don´t know, how to implement them.
    As we discussed in Manchester, that´s maybe one of the situations, where an example would be great.

    I also tried to create the other method and created 2 boundary points. But I also have no idea, how to implement that, too. GenCase_Guide and DualSPHysics_Guide don´t say something in detail. Just >drawpoint /> or >drawpoints />
    I tried:

    >setmkbound mk="2" name="Bound_Particle_Out_Protection" />
    >point x="-0.26" y="-0.26" z="-0.005" />
    >point x="0.26" y="0.26" z="0.46" />


    >setmkbound mk="2" name="Bound_Particle_Out_Protection"/>
    >drawpoint x="-0.26" y="-0.26" z="-0.005" />
    >drawpoint x="0.26" y="0.26" z="0.46" />

    You maybe see, my problem, but I have no clue, how to implement it.
    Can you give me any hint?

    Best regards


    PS: I used ">" at the begin of a code-line, instead of "<" preventing them to disapear.
  • Those are not parameters to be included in the XML file !!!
    Those are parameters of execution that you can include during the invocation of ./DualSPHysics.exe ........
  • Ah. Ok. Thanks. I also found an example for generating points in the CaseSloshing_Def from v3.2

    <<setmkbound mk="1" />
    <<drawpoint x="-0.1" y="-0.02" z="-0.12" />
    <<drawpoint x="0.9" y="0.12" z="0.62" />

    Just in case, someone else needs it.

    Thank you again, Alex :)
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