GTX980 compability DualSPH 3.1

edited July 2015 in Old versions

I would like to be sure that the GTX 980 GPU card is compatible with DualSPHysics 3.1 ?
How many particles can I expect to have in my simulations with this GPU card (4GB) ?

Thank you in advance.



  • With 4GB... you should be able to simulate between 20-25 million particles.
    However this depends on the different options you have chosen...

  • Hi,

    May I know the average approx time the simulation will take for cases with up to 20 million particles.

    I am now working in case with large domain and somehow my computer keep hanging/become really slow when I tried cases with over 2 million particles. ( I got gtx 970 for the graphic card).

    Do you have any idea why this is happening.

    Thank you in advance.
  • Hello mzbr1g12,

    It's hard to say exactly how long any one case will take based on the number of particles alone as there are many factors other than the number of particles that change this. It is safe to say however that cases with 20 million particles are considered to be on the large side and although perfectly acceptable on a card with 4GB of RAM like yours, I would expect a complex case involving moderate velocities to be of the order of days for a few seconds worth of simulation.

    In terms of your computer hanging/becoming slow when you try and simulate over 2 million particles, this is not too surprising, it really will depend on the rest of your system as well, however if you are using the same GPU for display and simulation and you ask it to use most of its resources to perform SPH simulation then there isn't much left to update your display for you, so things become really slow! This is one reason people often have 2 GPUs, one for display and one for compute.

    One easy solution is to get a cheap (NVIDIA...) card for display only and then use your GTX 980 purely for compute, I wouldn't recommend trying to mix different brands of GPU in the same machine though (i.e. if you have Intel built in graphics), in theory it should work, in practice I have seen many problems.

    Hope that helps!
  • Hi,

    Thank you very much on your quick reply.

    I will take a look in details on how to do this.

    Kindly regards,
  • Hi again .. just a quick question.

    For what I know, you use VS2010 for your compiling. When I try to use VS2012, somehow a lot of commands has changed and I got lots of errors.

    Do you ever encounter same problem when changing from VS2010 to VS2012 or VS2013?

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