CASESOLIDS, blocks supposed to be moving?
Hi, I'm new to dualSPHysics. I've begun running the example simulations and most look great. However, I think there is something with my CASESOLIDS solution when I view it in paraview. Are the blocks supposed to be moving or stations? The blocks do not move but the fluid looks like its moving around a set of invisible blocks. I think I'm missing a file that helps visualize the moving solids. Any pointers?
you only have to follow the example!!!!!!!!!!!!
%boundaryvtk% -loadvtk %dirout%/%name%__Actual.vtk -filexml %dirout%/%name%.xml -motiondata %dirout% -savevtkdata %dirout%/MotionFloating
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto fail
Sorry I do not what can be the problem. Try to download again the package just in case sthg was changed and you do not realise about that.