Why can't I use Nsight 3.1 in VS2010 to debug the Dualsphysics.exe ?

edited July 2015 in Old versions
Dear sir:
When I want to debug the code using Nsight, it failed, and the output is : The thread 'CUDA' (0x1) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[11568] DualSPHysics_win64_debug.exe: CUDA' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Then I accorde the Nsight User Guide, I look up into the page for:"To configure an existing VS2010 project to work with NVIDIA Nsight " , and I find the steps are:
In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project name. A drop-down menu appears.
Select Properties. The project's Property Pages window appears.
Select the Configuration that you intend to build, such as Debug or Release.
In the left hand pane, expand Configuration Properties.
Select CUDA C/C++.

The problem I find out is : where is the CUDA C/C++ ? it doesn't exist!
Can you tell me how to settle it? Thanks a lot!


  • The newest informations are:
    CUDA context created : 0213b8a0
    CUDA module loaded: 03975220 Source/JCellDivGpuSingle_ker.cu
    CUDA module loaded: 03975310 Source/JPeriodicGpu_ker.cu
    CUDA module loaded: 0afddcf0 Source/JCellDivGpu_ker.cu
    CUDA module loaded: 0afdece0 Source/JSphGpu_ker.cu
    CUDA context destroyed : 0213b8a0
    I don't know why it doesn't work.
  • Nsight report: No kernel launches captured
  • It has been solved by setting the arguments!
    However, I found that in debug mode the code run slower than in reaslse mode.
  • Hi,
    i also have problems to run the debug mode.
    Can you tell me what are the steps to run the debug mode by using Nsight..?
    What arguments need to be set?
    Thank you!
  • Hi, falke, the command arguments after clicking the Nsight user property item in VS2010 must be set, otherwise, no kernels can be captured!
  • command line arguments should be set correct, but i get the following error:

    CUDA context created : 02783fe0
    CUDA module loaded: 032ee560 Source/JPeriodicGpu_ker.cu
    CUDA module loaded: 032ef860 Source/JSphGpu_ker.cu
    CUDA module loaded: 032ef960 Source/JCellDivGpuSingle_ker.cu
    CUDA module loaded: 032efa60 Source/JCellDivGpu_ker.cu
    CUDA grid launch failed: CUcontext: 41435104 CUmodule: 53409888 Function: _ZN5cusph25KerInteractionForcesFluidIL10TpDeltaSph0EL8TpKernel2EL7TpVisco1ELb1ELj2EEEvjj5uint4jPKjPK4int2PK6float4SC_S6_PK11tsymatrix3fPfSG_P6float3SI_PSD_SG_
  • The comand line argument shoule be correctly set in the Nsight user property dialog frame.
  • You can use Nsight, first sort out your build environment to run debug, then put the command arguments to both VS and Nsight and then you can debug and use Nsight, we have been doing that since version 2

  • Hi. sorry for asking some stupid question.. May I know how to correctly set the build environment in the Nsight's command line arguments?
  • is it still $(LocalDebuggerCommandArguments) ? I'm using both remote and host on the same computer.
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