Error when running compiled GPU-Debug x64 version of dualsphysics

edited June 2015 in Old versions
The compilation of the GPU Debug x64 version works fine and without errors.

Although i did no changes in the source code, i always get the following error,
when running for different cases:

[Initialising simulation (z9670qc0) 26-06-2015 09:46:53]
PART PartTime TotalSteps Steps Time/Seg Finish time
========= ============ ============ ======= =========
Exception (JSphGpuSingle::Interaction_Forces)
Text: Failed in reduction of viscdt. (CUDA error: invalid resource handle).

The error happens after initializing the run and at the beginning of step 1,
in JSphGpuSingle::Interaction_Forces

I have absolutely no plan how to solve it.

Compiler: Visual Studio 10 and Cuda5.5

Compilation and Running the GPU Release x64 version works fine.


  • You have to update your GPU driver first
  • Thank you Alex for the hint!
    Unfortunately the update to the newest driver version and recomiling did not eliminate the error.
    It´s a little bit strange since running the compiled release version works fine.
  • Also compiling with Cuda6.0 shows the same error...
    Are there some specific essential steps when compiling/running the debugX64 version?
  • Am I the only one who gets this error?
  • you are running the "GPU Debug x64" version, the project has been set up only for the release if I remember correctly.

    please try the release, do you get errors there?

    You might have to set up you debug version on your machine on your own.. :(

    let me know and I might give you some tips if you have issues.


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