Artificial viscosity in DSPHysics

edited June 2015 in Old versions

I have a question about the artificial viscosity value that we have to enter in xml file. It correspond to what ? the alpha linear coefficient (from: ?
I also read the reference "Simulating Free Surface Flows with SPH" of J.J.Monaghan 1992. And I can see that the second term (with beta) desappear in Sphysics. A clarification is possible ?
Thank you in advance!



  • I found what I was looking for with Monaghan 2005 and Monaghan and Gingold 1983, so the clarification is not needed anymore. But I still have a problem with the viscosity value that we have to implement in the xml folder. It correspond to what exactly ? Alpha in Sphysics documentation must be between 0.01 and 0.1 and we can find in the available cases (dualSphysics) a variation between 0.1 and 0.4.
  • As you already recognized it´s an artifical value. There is no range defined range since it is just an math parameter to stabilize the calculation. You can find useful values in the DualSPHysics validation cases.

    I recommend to examine the effect of this parameter closely because you change the fluid behaviour in a non-physical way.
  • cases dominant by gravity are clearly dependent on ALPHA
    so changes in dp imply changes in alpha
    you should use the minimum alpha that stabilises your simulation

    however for wave propagation a value of alpha=0.01 is correct
  • Ok It's really better now, thank you both!
  • Hi, If I want to simulate non_Newtonian flows, Can you give me some suggestion about how to modify the code?
    Thanks a lot!
    Tianwen Dong
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