Measuretool problem for specific particles

edited May 2015 in Old versions

I am trying to set up the measuretool in order to obtain velocity data of a floating object dropped into water.

I call the Measuretool in the following way:

%measuretool% -dirin %dirout% -filexml %dirout%/%name%.xml -onlytype:-all,+floating -particlesmk 51 -vars:-all,+vel -savecsv %dirout%/ObjectVelocity
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto fail

But I get the following error:

*** Exception
Text: No se pudo abrir el fichero

Which means could not open the file. Which file is requested?

Does anyone have an advice of how to fix this that would be highly appreciated.



  • The problem seems to be that the file "-filexml %dirout%/%name%.xml" could not be opened, so you should be sure about the path and the name.

    However I do not understand why you need to use MeasureTool to obtain velocity of the floating.... all particles of the floating will move with the same velocity since it is a rigid body.. so you can use PartVTK to plot the velocity of id:(some id of ONE floating particles) and you will get what you want. With other software (matlab) you can open each file (CSV or ASCII) and plot velocity along time.

    Or even better you can modify the code to save velocity along time of the particle you want (given Id) in a new file

  • Thank you!

    I opened the VTK:s in Paraview in order to create velocity plots.
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