Pressure unit in 2D box

edited April 2015 in Old versions

I have a case of rectangular box and I need to compute the pressure on the left boundary of the box.
I created the ascii file with this instruction:

%partvtk% -dirin %dirout% -savevtk %dirout%/PartMoving -onlytype:-all,+moving -vars:+press -saveascii %dirout%/PartMoving

I read, in PartMoving_ijkl.asc, for each particles the values of PressxPos, PressyPos, PresszPos, PressxNeg, PressyNeg, PresszNeg.

How can I plot the pressure values along the height of the wall?



  • You should create CSV files with PartVTK so you can open it with EXCELL or similar and plot columns.

    However to compute pressure at given locations you should use MeasureTool code.

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