Oscillation in pressure- 2d hydrostatic tank- how to remove?
Hi all,
I'm trying to simulate the 2d hydrostatic tank case. I found that the pressure field oscillates about the correct value. for example, if the pressure at a point should be 10 it oscillates between 0 and 20 like a sine wave. it looks like some kind of numerical instability. if this issue is already found, can anybody suggest materials in the literature(i tried but still unclear) that explains it?. What is the possible remedy if any has been found.? Or could it be something wrong in coding?
I'm trying to simulate the 2d hydrostatic tank case. I found that the pressure field oscillates about the correct value. for example, if the pressure at a point should be 10 it oscillates between 0 and 20 like a sine wave. it looks like some kind of numerical instability. if this issue is already found, can anybody suggest materials in the literature(i tried but still unclear) that explains it?. What is the possible remedy if any has been found.? Or could it be something wrong in coding?
New boundary conditions are being implemented in the code such as the so-called Boundary Integrals.
Would you please give me a reference, which introduces "Boundary Integrals" for SPH?
M. Ferrand, D. R. Laurence, B. D. Rogers, D. Violeau, and C. Kassiotis. Unified semi-analytical wall boundary conditions for inviscid, laminar or turbulent flows in the meshless SPH method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 71(4):446–472, 2013. ISSN 1097-0363. doi:10.1002/fld.3666. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/fld.3666.