Boundary Conditions for Runoff Simulation

edited September 2014 in Old versions

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere - my Google Fu may be letting me down - and I'm very new to DualSphysics.

I'm looking at the video posted at:

titled "Study of runoff on real terrains with DualSPHysics (SPH on GPU)" and am very interested the generalities of how that simulation was run, specifically the boundary conditions.

From the documentation I have figured out (well I've read but not yet tried) how to import digital terrain models, as in the video. Now I'm just trying to get my head around the best way to introduce the particles to the simulation.

Also, if fluid, aka particles, is being continuously added to the top, do they get removed from the base outlet at all?

Thanks in advance,


  • We are going to get a journal paper published in some weeks. This paper contains all the information.

  • Sweet, I'll hang out for that. Thanks for the prompt response.

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