Post-processing through non-usual planes

edited August 2014 in Old versions

I have two questions about post-processing tools included in DualSPHysics :

I want to capture the positions of somes fixed and moving (not fluid) particles in a plane which is not aligned with (x,y), (y,z) or (x,z) planes. The "-onlypos:xmin:ymin:zmin:xmax:ymax:zmax" option of the "PartVTK" code seems not sufficient to perform this it possible to rotate the frame x,y,z in a specified direction after the processing ? is there existing solution ?

In the same way, I want to capture the heigh of the free surface in a plane which is not aligned with (x,y), (y,z) or (x,z) planes. The "-points " or "-pointspos " options of the "MeasureTool" code seem not sufficient to perform this operation... is there existing solution ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,


  • One solution is after creating your objects and fluid is rotating all of them.
    And you will define gravity in the direction you want.
    Hence your -onlypos:xmin:ymin:zmin:xmax:ymax:zmax will be in the positions you want while the whole system is aligned with gravity direction


  • Alex thank you for your comment.
    However this solution is only valid before the processing, isn't it ?
    Is there a solution feasible after the calculus ?

    Best Regards,
  • Why is ony valid before the processing??
    The modified gravity is valid for the whole simulation!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sorry my english is not very good: by "valid" I just wanted to ask if this solution (rotating objects and fluid with "drawrotate angx= angy= angz= /" or "rotate x= y= z= ang=/" in the _def.xml file) must be applied before the calculus or an existing similar operation can be applied during the post-processing ? In my case the gravity direction is not a problem because it is along z axis whereas i want to rotate my frame around z-axis. Is there a pre-defined function in post-processing codes for "frame changing" or it must be done manually by treating - for example - output data in .cvs file with a personal python code ?
  • I do not understand what you mean.

    The solution I gave you is easy. You will simulate a rotated case (everything was rotated) with a modified gravity. In that way you can use -onlypos:xmin:ymin:zmin:xmax:ymax:zmax as it is.

    If you do not like this option, you can just keep your system as it is, define -onlypos:xmin:ymin:zmin:xmax:ymax:zmax to include your are or volume and then treat the output data selecting only particles with the positions you desire


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