Acceleration of the particles (floating)

edited July 2014 in Old versions
Dear all,

In version 3.0 code - JSphCpu.cpp, when it try to calculate the acceleration of the particles, why there is a "massfti" in "p_vpmi=-prs*massj*massfti" if it is floating particle? What does this mean? Can you provide me a theory basis?
Looking forward to your help! Thanks a lot!

Best Regards.


  • In the case of the floating bodies, the equations to be solved are in terms of FORCE (ACE*MASS) so it is easier to directly compute the FORCE. In addition the mass of the particles of the floating bodies is not the same as for the rest of the system, note that the total mass of the object is divided by the number of particles of the object.

    In case of computing ACE of fluid particles, we will directly use ACE to compute VELOCITY and POSITION, so there is no need of computing FORCES but also acelerations.

  • I think I have understood it.
    Thank you for your help! Alex!

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