Since I saw this video:
, I would like to upgrade my workstation with multi-GPU solutions if DualSPhysics V.3 can take advantage of a Quad SLI configuration....Can it ? How can I program it in the usual files (gpu.bat, case_def.xml,...) ?
Many Thanks.
The current version of DualSPHsics (v3) does not have a multi-GPU implementation.
Multi-GPUs are scheduled for later releases of the code starting from v4 if I remember correctly.
I doubt that the SLI config. will allow you to use the single implementation with SLI communication between cards
but the multi-GPU will be out soon
Thanks you for those informations George
Maybe you have an idea about the v4 release date ?
Another question: Are Repulsive boundary conditions (RBCs) avaible in the current release (v3) ?
Best regard,
Release of v4... I think a year or so,
Only dynamic boundary conditions (DBP) in v3 but v4 may include a few more options (to be confirmed).