compilation DualSPHysics_v3.0 with pgi/14.1.0 will fail because of libjformatfiles2_64.a
I am trying to compile DualSPHysics_v3.0 using pgi/14.1.0 but pgi will not link because of libjformatfiles2_64.a:
pgCC *.o -o DualSPHysicsCPU_linux64 -L. -ljxml_64 -ljformatfiles2_64 -ljsphmotion_64
## JPeriodicCpu.o: In function `JPeriodicCpu::DgSaveVtkBorList(tfloat3 const *, unsigned int const *)':
## DualSPHysics_v3/Source/./JPeriodicCpu.cpp:819: undefined reference to `__CPR161__SaveVtk__13JJFormatFiles2SFQ2_3std78ba sic_string__tm__58_cQ2_3std20char_traits__tm__2_cQ2_3std18allocator__tm__2_cUiPC7tfloat3T2PCQ2_J9J12StScalarData'
Compilation is ok with other compilers (gnu/intel/cce). Is it possible to get PGI precompiled versions of libjformatfiles2_64.a (or the src code) ?
Best, jg.
I am trying to compile DualSPHysics_v3.0 using pgi/14.1.0 but pgi will not link because of libjformatfiles2_64.a:
pgCC *.o -o DualSPHysicsCPU_linux64 -L. -ljxml_64 -ljformatfiles2_64 -ljsphmotion_64
## JPeriodicCpu.o: In function `JPeriodicCpu::DgSaveVtkBorList(tfloat3 const *, unsigned int const *)':
## DualSPHysics_v3/Source/./JPeriodicCpu.cpp:819: undefined reference to `__CPR161__SaveVtk__13JJFormatFiles2SFQ2_3std78ba sic_string__tm__58_cQ2_3std20char_traits__tm__2_cQ2_3std18allocator__tm__2_cUiPC7tfloat3T2PCQ2_J9J12StScalarData'
Compilation is ok with other compilers (gnu/intel/cce). Is it possible to get PGI precompiled versions of libjformatfiles2_64.a (or the src code) ?
Best, jg.
pgCC -help --gnu
--gnu Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU libraries.
Jg, is there any chance you have a feel for this now you have been able to compile with gnu emulation enabled?