compilation DualSPHysics_v3.0 with pgi/14.1.0 will fail because of libjformatfiles2_64.a

edited March 2014 in Old versions

I am trying to compile DualSPHysics_v3.0 using pgi/14.1.0 but pgi will not link because of libjformatfiles2_64.a:

pgCC *.o -o DualSPHysicsCPU_linux64 -L. -ljxml_64 -ljformatfiles2_64 -ljsphmotion_64

## JPeriodicCpu.o: In function `JPeriodicCpu::DgSaveVtkBorList(tfloat3 const *, unsigned int const *)':

## DualSPHysics_v3/Source/./JPeriodicCpu.cpp:819: undefined reference to `__CPR161__SaveVtk__13JJFormatFiles2SFQ2_3std78ba sic_string__tm__58_cQ2_3std20char_traits__tm__2_cQ2_3std18allocator__tm__2_cUiPC7tfloat3T2PCQ2_J9J12StScalarData'

Compilation is ok with other compilers (gnu/intel/cce). Is it possible to get PGI precompiled versions of libjformatfiles2_64.a (or the src code) ?

Best, jg.


  • I can compile now with pgi compiler by using "--gnu" compilation flag:

    pgCC -help --gnu
    --gnu Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU libraries.

  • As soon as many people will need other versions of the precompiled libraries we will decide to support them. But there is no need so far... sorry.


  • It would be interesting to see some performance statistics between the compilers with the code. By nearly all accounts the pgi and Intel compilers produce faster code than gnu, it would be good to see if that is also the case for dualsphysics.

    Jg, is there any chance you have a feel for this now you have been able to compile with gnu emulation enabled?
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