Geometry configuration
Hi All,
I have a question about the generation of simple geometries. The problem is that when I draw a sloped line (like a beach) the line is not straight but is made up of small steps that cause some problems in fluid particle. I try to import the same geometry in stl but the problem still. My question is if there is a way to have a sloping straight line without steps.
Thank you very much
I have a question about the generation of simple geometries. The problem is that when I draw a sloped line (like a beach) the line is not straight but is made up of small steps that cause some problems in fluid particle. I try to import the same geometry in stl but the problem still. My question is if there is a way to have a sloping straight line without steps.
Thank you very much
That's a consequence of using GenCase to generate the particle distribution, so you won't be able to get around it. As you increase your resolution the influence of those "steps" should become negligible (depending on your application, obviously).
You should check out this thread:
since it goes into a bit more detail.
as long as you keep track of the object you want to be inclined via the mk option, you could draw it as a horizontal or vertical line (or plane), and then during the simulation you rotate it about an axis to obtain the desired inclination. This solves the small steps issue for straight surfaces only, for curved ones there's no much you can do.
First of all I like to say nice work with the DualSPHysics code! It’s awesome! I´m new to DualSPHysics but I like to do what Alex said in the post above, to create my own .bi2 file. What is the structure of the file? Is it,
X Y Z U V W rho
in 3d and,
X Z U W rho
in 2d? Generating matrices or lists/arrays with this structure in e.g. MatLab or Python is easy but how to save in the .bi2 format? Any ideas? I guess you need to do some changes to the “generated” .xml file as well regarding the "particles" and "constants" sections!?
/ Patrick
void LoadFileBi2(unsigned part,const std::string &file);
void SaveFileBi2(bool full=false,std::string file="")const;
and the new project ToVTK contains all the info you need !!!