How can I modify input files created by GenCase?

edited January 2014 in Old versions
Has anyone tried to read in an initial particle distribution not created by the GenCase tool, or had success modifying the input files after it they been created by GenCase?

As part of my Ph.D. work, I am coupling DualSPHysics with Code_Aster (open source FEM solver) for use in fluid-structure interaction analysis. What I would like to do is first use GenCase to generate the fluid and boundaries and create a void space for the structural component. Then I would like to modify the *.bi2 file, adding to it the particle representation of my structure. This seems simple to me in theory, but I don't think my luck is that good.

If anyone has any thoughts or tips on this, I'd appreciate it.




  • The best you can do is investigate into DualSPHysics source files how the input *.bi2 is loaded so you will know how to create it following the same structure.

    The new project ToVTK that is also provided in SOURCE directory will help you to understand our different format files

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