Linear motion of fluid

edited January 2014 in Old versions
Dear all,
Is it possible to assign a liniar motion to a fluid? I get the motion of boundaries running, but not the motion of the fluid. My aim is to build a tank with in- and outlet.
An initial velocity is also working but i want a linear velocity.

Kind regards,


  • There is a work-around to this: add a solid block, e.g. piston, at the inlet and prescribe the motion of that block. Effectively the fluid will have the same motion as the block.
  • okay, i was not detailed enough.
    i want to have a body inside the tank in order to see the turbulences, waves etc.
    Is there an other way to get the fluid move ?

  • the fluid moved by what?
    Whatever it is, the motion can be activated with ease.
  • With DualSPHysics 3.0 you can assign an acceleration to one or more fluid "blocks" (as defined by an individual Mk value).

    You will of course need to calculate an appropriate set of acceleration values to enforce a constant velocity, which may not be trivial.

    Please see the manual for further details of this functionality.

  • See also new testcase CaseForces.

  • Can anyone give some clues to inlet and outlet flow conditions in SPHysics?
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