Vorticity - Measuring Tools

May I ask what is wrong in my input in command prompt?

I am trying to generate the vorticity using the measuring tool in post processing in dualsphysics via command prompt. Please help me I need to show in simulation the fluid flow with distinct vorticity formation.

Here is my input:


  MeasureTool -points fpoints.txt -onlytype:-all,fluid -savecsv dataf

  MeasureTool -points fpoints.txt -vars:press -savevtk visupress

C:\Users\JOSEPH\Desktop\DualSPHysics_v5.0\bin\windows>MeasureTool_win64.exe -dirin D:\TESTCASES\JULY16\JULY16_TEST2\out\ -points D:\TESTCASES\JULY16\JULY16_TEST2\points\fpoints.txt -onlytype:-all,+fluid

Here is the error:

Exception (JMeasureToolCfgRun::ValidaCfg) at ..\Source\JMeasureToolCfgRun.cpp:440

Text: Output files were not defined.


  • You can follow the examples.

    Try CasePistonBeach_REG in DualSPHysics_v5.2\examples\main\09_WavesPiston

    You can follow the command line in the bat files:

    %measuretool% -dirin %diroutdata% -points velocity.txt -onlytype:-all,+fluid -vars:-all,+vel -savecsv %dirout2%/_velocity

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