Release of DualSPHysics v5.2
Novelties in pre-processing tools
- Advanced method to fill external geometries especially useful for mDBC (filling depth configurable by depthmin and depthmax)
- Improved management of data for normal vectors (simpler, faster and less space required)
- Automatic bathymetry from elevation points
- Initial distribution with degree of randomness for non-deterministic simulations
- Improved initial density gradient for complex simulations
- Creates help VTK files with domains of main drawing operations
Novelties in DualSPHysics solver
- mDBC can be applied now to floating bodies
- New options to configure mDBC normal vectors in DualSPHysics
- Lagrangian formulation for flexible-structure interaction (FSI)
- DualSPHysics updated for latest compilers (Visual Studio 2022 (v143), gcc 11.2, CUDA 11.7)
- DualSPHysics compiled for AMD GPUs as well
- Focused waves generation (1st and 2nd order theory)
- Advanced refilling rate to increase performance of inlet/outlet
Novelties in post-processing tools
- New post-processing tool for particle trajectories (TracerParts)
- New options to calculate fluid elevation and depth
- Calculation of fluid energy with PartVTK
- Simple definition of measurement positions by execution parameters
- Calculation of intrinsic and extrinsic moment forces
- Automatic viscosity setting from XML or BI4 files
- ViscoBoundFactor is supported by post-processing tools
- Supports single and double precision mixing of PARTs
Other improvements in DualSPHysics solver
- CFL number configuration by execution parameters
- New options to configure an initial ramp for DDT
- BoundCorr feature was replaced with mDBC
- Execution parameter for saving VTK with mDBC normals during simulation
- Chrono features can be used with different RigidAlgorithm options
- Updates mooring library with MoorDynPlus v2.041
- GainStroke is applied to stroke calculation for focused waves
- Add timers for gauge tasks