The Pressure extracted from Measuretool and the Press value extracted from Tovtk are different

Dear All,

I have two questions

One is whether the Pressure in the post-processing tool Measuretool and the Pressure obtained directly from the Bi4 file in the TOvtk package are the same value.

I noticed some differences in the calculation formulas of the two and can't tell if the two are the same value

This is the calculation formula of pressure in Measuretool

This is the calculation formula of press in the Tovtk code

The second question is if the pressure of the two methods is the same, why the values I extract in the two methods are different.

When the extraction is 20s, the coordinates are the pressure on (50,0,0)

This is the value extracted from Measuretool, pressure=280242pa

This is the value extracted from Tovtk, press=446000pa

Looking forward to your reply soon.

Best regards,

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