Manipulating speed of solitary wave generated by Piston

edited May 2022 in DualSPHysics v5.0


I'm using <piston_solitary> to generate a wave with vary of wave heights and constant water depth. wave is generated over a flat bottom,shoaling over 1:4 beach slope and onto a flat reef where it hits two columns (resembling a tsunami wave). here is code related to one of solitary waves for example :

                    <mkbound value="10" comment="Mk-Bound of selected particles" />
                    <theory value="2" comment="Theory of generation 1:Rayleigh (Serre 1953), 2: Boussinesq (Goring 1978) 3: KdV (Clamond and Germain 1999) (def=2)" />
                    <start value="0" comment="Start time (def=0)" />
                    <pistondir x="1" y="0" z="0" comment="Movement direction (def=(1,0,0))" />
                    <savemotion xpos="60" comment="Saves motion data. xpos is optional for elevation calculation" />
                    <depth value="5" comment="Water depth" />
                    <waves value="1" comment="Number of solitary waves (def=1)" />
                    <durationcoef value="0.5" comment="Coefficient of movement duration (def=1)" />
                    <waveheight value="1.5" comment="Wave height" />

My issue: I get the waves I want except I'm not satisfied with velocity of waves generated by piston. they are very slow not just when hitting structure but also when generated right in front of piston before arriving to beach slope.

How can I manipulate speed of Piston to make solitary wave with at least 5 times higher velocity? (their velocities are around 1 m/s now) I played with durationcoef value="0.5" but that had no effect on results.


  • Look at the theoretical equations for solitary waves and you will see how you can change parameters to increase wave speed.

    If you want to "cheat" try playing around with the depth parameters and see how it changes the wave speed.

    Kind regards

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