Details aboug Fluid and DEM coupling

I have read the following literature: Resolved Simulation of a Granular-Fluid Flow with a Coupled SPH-DCDEM Model(DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001331)

I have a very critical point that I don't understand. There is no detailed explanation in the paper. I can't locate this key point in the DualSPHysics5.0.4 code. Can anyone give me some ideas or suggestions?

It can be seen that the right side of equation 6 is the force acting on particle 1, and this force is in the form of a summation. The particle is discretized into many small SPH particles, the forces on each SPH particle are summed.

So I want to ask, for the interaction between fluid and DEM, how is the force of fluid particle acting on a certain SPH particle point on DEM particle calculated? For the interaction between DEM and DEM, the unit is a large DEM particle (that is, there is no need to discretize a DEM particle into many SPH particle points), and it is calculated by the modified Hertzian model, right?


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