importance of monitoring %of excluded particle count


Is there any guideline based on different physics that how much % of particles excluded from the simulation will create issue in stability or convergence of the simulation?

For models where particles are getting generated continuously even when the solver is running like the inletoutlet boundary condition models vs. where particles are generated only before the start of the solver with an initial pool of particles, what does the % count of excluded particles signify in the inletoutlet case?

I see the number of particle counts in the simulation was getting higher and higher in the inletOutlet condition for a simulation I am running where I use a input plane to throw particles on a slanted surface . So, does that mean my cost of simulation will keep increasing if I run a transient simulation for this for a long time as particle count from the beginning to end will keep on increasing? What does the excluded particle count importance in this type of scenario? Can it give a hint if the simulation is stable or not?



  • To give some more idea of the geometry that has been used with the inletout boundary condition, it is just not a flat surface slanted that is being simulation, but a complex vehicle plenum system when the windshield is the flat surface and water is being poured from a flat inlet plane. The geometry system has some pocketed area where water can accumulate. From my understanding that can be the cause of constantly increasing particle count in the domain in a transient simulation until a steady state conservation of mass is not achieved in the simulation?

    Is monitoring the excluded particle during this type of transient simulation a good way of understanding if the simulation is diverging or not?

    Also, the cost of simulation will keep increasing if the particle count keep increasing in the domain. Is there any optimized memory maintenance for this scenario in the code?

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