Case Modification (Energy Equation + Boussinesq Approximation)


I have been trying to modify the code to simulate buoyant flows using the boussinesq approximation. So far, I have been following the example presentation on how to modify the code with no problems, until I reached the part about the kernels (which I think is different in V5 than it was in V4.2).

Mainly the following two bits of code is where I don't understand how to do similar changes using the V5.0. They are both in the JSphCpu.cpp file. (The needed changes are with bold) I can't seem to figure out how it works on V5.0 and with a search I didn't find something similar here.

So, I was wondering whether there's an example somewhere regarding making this change on V5 or could someone point on how to do these changes to the kernels? Thank you!

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