About <piston> in <wavepaddles> interaction principle with water

I am a little confused here. Is the principle of the interaction between the pusher plate and the water is the interaction between the SPH side wall and the SPH fluid? Does this pusher board work with Chrono? Can the collision of two moving objects in water be achieved using DualSPHysics and Chrono (DualSPHysics simulates water, and Chrono simulates two objects that are about to collide)?


  • The interaction between piston object and fluid particles is based on SPH principles and boundary conditions. The motion of the piston is based on analytical wave theory (from the perspective of the wave maker), which is then "pasted" to the fluid particles through the piston. This is atleast the very basic explanation.

    DualSPHysics can simulate water and Chrono can simulate collision as you mentioned. I don't understand your question fully, but if it is whether or not the piston can collide with a floating object, then the answer would be yes it can.

    Kind regards

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