Effect of speed of sound (Mach number) on pressure results

Hello to all

I did a simulation test and an experimental test of the injection process to validate simulation results.

One of the interesting points of the simulation test was that speed of sound has a remarkable effect on pressure results not on velocity results.

The second point is the difference between experimental pressure and SPH pressure.

SOS eg. speed of sound.

I would be appreciated if anyone can give an explanation on this.


  • In weakly compressible SPH which DualSPHysics uses for now, the speed of sound is used to estimate the pressure, through the barotropic pressure equation seen in DualSPHysics wiki. Here in the constant b, the speed of sound is present, with a controllable factor, gamma, often taken as 7 to ensure a very incompressible fluid.

    https://github.com/DualSPHysics/DualSPHysics/wiki/3.-SPH-formulation Equation of State

    You should ensure that the speed of sound at minimum is 10 times higher than the expected speed you have in your simulation, to ensure 99% percent incompressibility.

    Kind regards

  • Thank you for your comments.

    It was interesting to see despite the contribution of pressure in momentum equation the effect of speed of sound and consequently pressure in velocity results is negligible.

  • I suspect this is due to the gradient of pressure being used in the momentum equation, and not pressure it self directly.

    Kind regards

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