Energy equation

Does in v5.0 I can use energy equation, like in this .pdf ( or it`s just work in progress and does not realised in actual version of code?


  • Not released in actual code, but a version can be found on their Git I believe (for an older version of DualSPHysics as well).

    Kind regards

  • Many thanks for answers, Asalih!

    And I have question about mkvoid condition, does it can be moving inlet?

  • No problem and I don't understand the question completely. Mkvoid can be used to define an volume which deletes the particles placed in it using the same drawcommands as usual. So it can be used to cut shapes out, cut in water etc.

    Kind regards

  • edited February 2022

    I need boundary condition (mk in DSPH) to use it as moving inlet, that doesn`t affect on domain by self solid geometry. Better word for this, I think, virtual inlet

    Explain jet engine moving in atmosphere, it has air intake and gas exhaust (what happens inside the jet engine doesn`t matter). Nozzle has 6+ phase (component) gas exhaust with T=700 K (if it make simulation simple we can neglect air intake). I need to setup boundary conditions in SPH, but have some fundamental issues for code. I pursue the goal of determining the concentration of components far (several km) from the jet engine. In xml I can setup only 1 phase (component) per 1 "mk" and if setup 6+ different "mk`s" in identical position they will affect on each other (I think).

    If you can tell me another SPH code for this problem or help with setup xml in DSPH it will be nex step for SPH simulations.

  • Hey again!

    I am not too intimate with the physics you are describing, but it sounds really interesting!

    In regards to your question in regards to a moving inlet, unfortunately I have also asked for this my self, but it does not exist yet. I don't think it is too far-fetched to believe it might come in the future, but most coastal engineering cases do not need this kind of physics, so we might have to wait a bit.. :-)

    Perhaps you can approximate what you want to do, by having a fixed sized inlet and then "physically" move particles in front of to block out the flow?

    Or you can play with the 3D inlet/outlet variable condition, in which I believe you should be able to see flow velocities in a square mesh to set velocity to zero in some zones, and non-zero in others?

    Kind regards

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