ComputeForces Question

Hi all,

I am using ComputeForces on a singular mk, this being one rigid body in my case. What does the ForceFluid.x or the ForceFluid.z mean physically. Is it the maximum force that the body is feeling at each point in time? I'm just having trouble grasping what this Newton force means, and am looking to use this force to determine a material for a physical model.

Thanks a bunch


  • I believe it is the force in the x/y/z direction caused due to the interaction of your rigid body with the fluid.

    If you have a body simply floating in still water, the ForceFluid.z is simply the buoyance force. If there is movement/wave motion, then it is the integration of the net fluid force at each point on the rigid body that is in contact with the fluid.

    It does not include weight which is separately included.

  • Good day for all. How to get forces for body in fluid by ComputeForces for case (like FlowCylinder example) in DualSPH (not in GUI DesignSPH)? Now I`m using GaugeForces .xml command for this, but I`m feel so wrong when see this graphs of Cd...

  • If you go through the examples there should be cases showing the syntax of how to use compute forces tool in Windows/Linux.

    Graph of Cd is a bit hard to relate to, when your case is not known. If the force signal is bad, then perhaps one would need to re-look at how to improve the simulation

    Kind regards

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